Monday, January 25, 2010


Written from the word "astonishment", given by j.k.


It’s embarrassing

Beauty tinged with ugliness;

An over-made face

It’s sometimes garish

Being in that brackish mix

Realizing your place

It’s astonishing

To see one for what they aren’t

And love them anyway

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i am...
full of gold treasures
an egyptian pyramid
also booby trapped.

i am...
the grand finale
what you've all been waiting for
drum roll, please... tah dah!

i am...
space expanding out
i make the universe dance
black holes and red stars

i am not...
a mensa puzzle
you don't need to be Einstein
no need to solve me

i am not...
difficult like the
new york times sunday crossword

i am not...
starting trench warfare
i won't pour napalm on you
i'm a pacifist

Monday, January 18, 2010


but it's the caramel flavor...
now is not the time
eight am, before breakfast
leave the haagen daz!

TV sux
one more commercial
trying to sell pointless shit
and i will lose it.

unknown meteorological terms
mr. weather man,
what the fuck's a "freezing fog"?
only in chicago...

my knee deserves an apology
to tom, my landlord:
sprinkle salt on the black ice
so i don't fall down.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My roommate's girlfriend got me Queer Magnetic Poetry for my birthday. (Again, the irony.) Possibly one of the best presents I got this year, minus a vintage Michael Jackson belt, because this means I can write haikus everyday standing in front of the fridge in the morning. It's been an interesting source of inspiration for the 'kus. There are lots of ripe words for use, but I'm limited to only what I have on the fridge.

Here's what I've gotten so far:

the leather dildo
transforms this commitment to
passionate wet sex

ask, eat my gender
see her feel his intimate
baby touch me feel our

I am hard to love
between open flames, there is
hot skin full of life

I have here a head
out only for show; no use
a big dressed up ball

it must happen, change
after choosing the always
who can bear never?

together we hide
safe; body partnered with me
union, beautiful

why do I love chicago again?

nothing more lovely
than melting snow revealing
layers of garbage