Wednesday, December 23, 2009


anything but the iron lung (wait, that's for polio?)

horrid bronchitis
a chest pain worse than heartache
inhaler, save me!

new music crush

la roux, you're delish
where have you been all my life?
rockin' out at work

giving a training...

impart my wisdom
DON'T sleep with people at work
backfire potential

Sunday, December 6, 2009


looking to the past
can we truly dismiss it?
should i revisit?

but what if some things
should dissolve like old pennies
and be forgotten?

and an encore of
lucid dreams. i'm chasing you,
an apparition.

and just as in life,
you briefly submit, but then
abandon us. ouch.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


so much potential
should I stay on the right track
but there's something else.

tres mysterieux
feelings bump, grind and twirl
without my consent

if I have one more
unknown variable here
I will lose my shit

I'm amazed, appalled
at my anger, confusion;
at our behavior.

at his behavior.
but mainly my behavior. own worst critic.

it's birthday time
and this year it's tiring
and not exciting.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


for those i know in
my present and recent past
happy holiday!

can she do it?

it's the first attempt
at a vegetarian
holiday. BRING IT.

what to wear?

elastic waistbands
are sadly not an option.
you can't sink that low.

turkey haiku

bawk gobble bawk bawk
bawkidy cluck cluck bawk
BAWWWWWWK kee kee run... purr.*

*sounds for this haiku were verified by the WikiAnswer page

i had an amazing dream!

I told Obama
to be mindful of gender
pronouns. I'm badass.

Monday, November 23, 2009


winter, part 1
stepping out my door
i hear a chorus of birds
perched on the bare limbs

winter, part 2
it's time for whiskey
fireplaces and blankets
warm whispers cold toes

winter, part 3
the only downside
to having really short hair
is icicle ears

Friday, November 20, 2009

11.20.09- Part 2

when you use your mom's computer...

rule when googling
phrases like "blonde chick blow job":
erase history!


nothing more awkward
than realizing your mom knows
your sex fantasies

Thursday, November 19, 2009


better than a four leaf clover

how lucky am i
to have amazing people
drowning me with love.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


These are the very first hatekus I wrote; I was wondering where they had gone. (I found them on my i-phone.) They resound with fresh resentment and bitterness. Voila, hateku in its purest form:

you're flaky, literally

try to fall asleep
your smell is on my pillow is your dandruff

yes, i want to hurt you

you truly deserve
world's deepest papercut
rub some salt in deep

final grade: f
scale of one to ten;
your sexual aptitude?
a five. sad but true.

location, location, location
island of Lesbos
cunnilingus guaranteed
you stingy bastard

my parting gift
a delivery
flaming bad full of dog shit
not deep dish pizza.

ask and ye shall receive... sometimes
you got more haikus
than you gave me orgasms
a sad, cruel world

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Genesis, Chapters 5,6,7

Post Garden of Eden

Adam managed to
lift his... spirits.. enough to
impregnate Eve twice

sons Cain and Abel
God played favorites, much to
the chagrin of Cain

Cain took Abel down
in Old-Testament style
slain in a field! ouch!

God found out, of course
"you can't read my poker face"
said Cain--but God could.

Banished into the Land of Nod..

Cain's punishment was
"too great for him to bear"
he made babies too.

Adam's lifespan was
nine hundred thirty years?
Was he a robot?!?!


... chapter five is just
old dudes having babies and
living forever.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3

adam/eve status
the verse says Eve is his "wife"
so much for free love!!

so ridiculous
that clothes weren't invented
naked... but married?

but still, life was sweet.
naked spooning in Eden
flora/fauna fun

the long story short
apple bite meant BIG trouble
forgive/forget, God?

little known epilogue to Chapter 3

now a cherubim
guards the tree of life with a
revolving fire sword

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here ye, here ye, I proclaim the newest form of "ku".

A few new developments. First, I've realized that now I'm looking for haiku structures in anything I read. They're around more than you would think. With the teeniest tweaking, there are some wonderful albeit unintentional hate/luv/sad/sexkus in literature. Example:

from de Berniere's "seƱor vivo and the coca lord

you are beautiful
Luisa, please do not cry
the future's unknown

I've also decided to do HOLYKUS, mainly because I spent:

12 years in the Church
never cracked the holy book
love those Catholics!

and also because it's too good to pass up.

The Bible is first. I'm going to start at the very beginning, and work my way through all the books. Talk about a commitment. But along the way, I'll take out all the things I don't like... (Everyone else has done it, why can't I?) Maybe I can submit my holykus to the Pope upon completion of this project? I'm sure he'd love them.

Genesis, Chapter 1

it's the beginning
and God creates heavens, earth
from formless wasteland

in the deep blackness
God says, it's dark in here, y'all
so let there be light!

and then he "made" life
metaphor: evolution!!
don't be literal

next, on to humans
God made them, forgot a rib
gave them food (NOM NOM)

and when God looked at
all that he had made, he said,
"...I guess it will do."

Monday, November 2, 2009


smoke and mirrors

you seemed sincere but
your verisimilitude
proved to be a ploy


ow, stomach ache
i should not be eating meat
but i love gyros...

words that need inventing

my "solemnitude"
not in Merriam-Webster
exists nonetheless

REM + embering

dreaming, i feel it
your pull, still magnetizing
i wake up tired.

what, you're that busy?

an unanswered text
feels like an act of treason
all of a sudden

social work mind fuck

if i stop to think
of all the injustices
i'm too terrified

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guest Haiku!

A first guest appearance! From my best friend M, a melange of exkus:

tell me how it's done
how you don't love me that way
with no time at all

ha, motherfucker
you wanna be my friend now?
nah, i don't need you

Miss U
life is so great now
i don't long for anything
but your smile, your eyes

i met someone new
his smile lit my heart, and i
stopped thinking of you

Fightku, pt. 1


you think you're so tough
gettin all up in my face
you ain't shit-back up

where do you get off
bossing me around? punk bitch
you're crossing the line

hell no you didn't
i'm about to bring the pain
you'll beg for mercy

you're delusional
i will bring you to your knees
and spit in your face

it's time to rumble
meet me in the parking lot
midnight; don't be late

it ain't even fair
it will be a massacre
see you at midnight be continued....


little scab

it itches... so pick it!
maybe just at the edges
ripped off the whole thing

can't i ever get alone time on the L?

it's improbable
but the seat next to me is
always sat in first

home alone

turning up Usher
while eating ice cream naked
trying to moonwalk

Sunday, October 25, 2009


moment of truth (dedicated to MCB)

utter clarity
i'd prefer to watch hulu
than sleep with you-lu

some things can't be taught

parting the red sea
being able to walk on water
dr dr droppin' it.

elbow deep in something slimy

when you stick your hand
into a full pumpkin it's
like birthing a calf.

not as perceptive as i thought

happens to the most of us
me, apparently

Thursday, October 22, 2009


thnx for nothing, subconscious

an extra half hour
i stay in bed; does no good
stress dreams are the worst

cold feet, literally

first foot out of bed
that's always the hardest part
leaving the cocoon

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


nom nom can't stop eating stinky things

scratch nose, fix my hair
my hands still smell like garlic
curse Italian genes.

wish i had a teleporter

i have great friends here
but when i see old pictures
i miss MCZ

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


(a backlog of unpublished hatekus/sexkus inspired by my daily commute on the L)

accessory (to murder?)

ugly belt buckle
want to melt it down, make a
bullet to shoot you

the dream

like a monster truck
candy all up in my ear
in a falsetto


your futility
is epic; monumental;
Eiffel Tower-esque

yes, it's that bad

i'd rather feel your
flatulence against my face
than listen to you

from the pyramids to you...

his body, god-like
the eighth wonder of the world


trey songz

abs; thighs; shoulders; lips
now i can't speak because that
physique leaves me mute

for my ears alone

put on those sex jams
it's just me and my ipod
i can pretend, right?

Monday, October 19, 2009


six months overdue....

again, "i love you"
i am filled with remorse
beating a dead horse?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


headset please

using speaker phone
unnecessarily so
fucking headset, please


i think i just heard someone
be bulimic. eek.