Tuesday, February 23, 2010


so validating:
"you couldn't have looked cuter"
makes my day better!

always amazed at
the amount of giggling
that professors do

four hours of work
tedious, tedious things
it's the GA curse

of course she'd be in
a meeting at the moment
i want to head out.

what did i eat that
made my stomach decide to
launch a brutal coup?

dear my subconscious
please stop the weird blood dreams
and leave me in peace

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


i feel...
neurons firing
joints folding, bones rubbing skin
fingertips tingling

i think...
possible outcomes
and lots of scenarios
the permutations

Monday, February 15, 2010


in the basement, base thoughts

pretty man in class
deep voice, dark skin, timberlands
hmm.. here comes trouble

wing span = HUGE

like a manta ray
i'm too much to be captive
at home in vast seas

in acupuncture, i and ii

with needles poked in
after they left me, I cried
sudden achy tears

hands (and tears) helpless
there was no more pretending
that i wasn't stressed

to j!

sometimes less is more
from rolling hills... to flatlands
roaming, shirtless, free.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



i've never understood why people find it to be that annoying. at this point, email servers all have excellent filters, in which you can find caught gems of phrases written by non-native english speakers trying to get me to buy sexual enhancement drugs. these literally almost wrote themselves.

be king of all holes
repair your passion motor
don't let porksword rust

catch the desire wave
sharpen your male bayonet
goal: male lever up!

make her grotto wet
and hungry for love; repair
your passion motor

she likes it big so
get unfailing manhood and
ram her all the nights

no other pills can
help turn your meat shaft into
that big stiff weapon.

Friday, February 5, 2010

2.05.10 pt 2

I've recently been inspired by Rimbaud, whose bizarre French dreamscapes are the perfect mix of eerie, erotic, and beautiful.

tes dix doigts m'incitent
c'est lentement, au debut
mais ils me rendrent folle

your ten fingers incite me
slowly, at first
but they make me crazy

que tu es parfait
une trinit
é intouchable
une modele de force

how perfect you are
an untouchable trinity
a model of force

je m'agenouille
je vais faire l'eloge de toi
îdol, mon dieu.

i'm kneeling
i'm going to praise you
my idol, my god

ton chair, c'est comme les
ères des mourants a Dieu;
ferventes, chaudes, completes

your flesh is like
the dying's prayers to God;
fervent, hot, complete


five a.m. i'm up.
dreams with the same theme: failure
have chased me awake

eyes flew, open. wide.
black air of early hours
was all i could see

i feel too driven
like i'm a sperm, life's an egg
compelled to succeed

to find a way in
for a reason beyond me
only the impulse

Thursday, February 4, 2010


sarah palin's book
i'm ashamed of it in public
but hooked in private

a sudden craving:
apple mixed with orange juice
i'm chug-a-lugging

i look it over
repeatedly, many times
and yet it stays fresh

i am determined:
jaxx, wag the shit out of your
tail for me. one day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


in honor of Toperation Pinocchio, occurring on 2.12.10, I have written the following:

my wooden body
with your pinocchio touch
becomes flesh at last

pinocchio wears
michael jackson-esque gloves
do a crotch grab, plz!

careful, wee puppet
don't play with fire, it can
burn and engulf you

Monday, February 1, 2010


school is yet again...

under engaging
only two of four classes
are worth half a damn

Stanley's 509 haikus:

stanley lapidos
brain always racing ahead
mouth too full of words

most social workers
are amorphous blobs of blah
more energy, please?

mostly i fail to
find the relevancy in
our class discussions

everything: long
hair, tie, cuffs, all the tangents
(mainly the tangents)

put the "great" in immigration

two Americas
which is going to succeed?
Cuba, i'm yours. (sigh)

one day.

our authentic selves
are screaming, remove your shells!
but we're too afraid

avatar: 3-D (a.ka. my fantasy)

phosphorescent plants
with the glowing tree of souls
only one word: cooooooooooool