Wednesday, February 3, 2010


in honor of Toperation Pinocchio, occurring on 2.12.10, I have written the following:

my wooden body
with your pinocchio touch
becomes flesh at last

pinocchio wears
michael jackson-esque gloves
do a crotch grab, plz!

careful, wee puppet
don't play with fire, it can
burn and engulf you

1 comment:

  1. Toperation countdown-- I heart u. Also, Judo chop!

    Here's my surgeryku:

    in pinocchio's words-

    once upon a time
    i secretly used to wish
    to be a "real" boy

    with dreaming so hard
    and a body to match so,
    now it's hard to tell

    which box should i check?
    when neither one seems to fit-
    i choose not to choose
